Cool Care Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Houston’

What’s the Best Way to Prevent AC Repairs?

Monday, February 27th, 2023

When you are in dire need of air conditioning repairs, it is quite a hassle. You might be dealing with a miserably hot home, trying to schedule an appointment soon enough, taking time off work, and then having to pay for the repairs. But we’ve got a recommendation that can help you to avoid that whole mess altogether.

Read on to find out the one thing that can keep your air conditioner from requiring repairs, and even extend its lifespan!

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This Is How Much You Can Save with Regular Heating System Maintenance

Monday, February 13th, 2023

Heating maintenance is something we care deeply about. To make sure your home heating system is operating safely and to get the best performance from your heater, annual maintenance is critical. But when it comes to actually making sure to schedule that maintenance, it just might help to have another incentive. And what better incentive is there than money in your pocket?

Annual heating maintenance can do more than keep your heater running smoothly, it can save you a lot of money, and we’ll show you just how much. Read on to discover how valuable regular heating system maintenance in Houston can be.

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Can a Thermostat Be Repaired or Does it Have to Be Replaced?

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Even in Texas, it can be quite miserable to have problems with the heating in your home, and air conditioning failure can be unbearable in the summer. It’s best to take care of your HVAC system with regular maintenance but it’s always possible that something will go wrong anyway. But one thing that customers sometimes overlook is their thermostat. If your heat or AC isn’t coming on or isn’t staying at the correct temperature, it’s easy to assume the heater or AC unit is the problem. Sometimes the thermostat is the real culprit.

How can you tell if your temperature problem is caused by your thermostat? What can be done about it? Will it need to be replaced? We’ll cover things you should check if you suspect a thermostat issue and then go over your options for getting the problem sorted out.

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The Most Common Furnace Repair Problems and How to Fix Them

Monday, December 19th, 2022

New homeowners, or those encountering furnace problems for the first time, often have questions about what issues are common and what can be done about them. Here are some common furnace repairs that we see most frequently, tips for handling them, and preventative measures for avoiding them in the future.

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6 Things to Know About Smart Thermostats Before Making the Switch

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Your thermostat is the part of your heating and cooling system that keeps track of the ambient temperature in your home and tells those systems when it’s time to turn on and off. No matter how new or efficient those systems are, they won’t do you any good if your thermostat is broken. Many customers think they need repairs to their furnace or air conditioner only to find that the thermostat was the real culprit. 

In recent years, many homeowners are making the switch to smart thermostats, which offer a variety of benefits that the older models simply can’t compete with. Could a smart thermostat be right for you? We’ve got some information that can help you decide if you’re ready for smart thermostat installation in Houston.

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Why Professional AC Installation Matters

Monday, August 1st, 2022

When you live somewhere as hot as Houston, and you’ve searched for information about AC installation at the beginning of August, that tells a story. You are probably in very big need of a new air conditioner, now.

We completely understand the sense of urgency; however, rushing into an AC purchase is never a good idea, as it can leave you with a system that’s improperly matched for your specific home and needs. It might not even be sized correctly for your space.

And then, when it comes to the actual installation job, there are a number of steps that make the installation flawless. If any steps are missed or done incorrectly, it can lead to problems like short-cycling, refrigerant leaks, ductwork damage, and other efficiency problems. It could even lead to a premature system breakdown.

Ultimately, air conditioning systems are very complex and they require a trained and experienced professional to install them.

Read on as we uncover the steps our pros go through, and why it’s so important to leave this job to the trained and experienced techs on our team.

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How to Improve the Efficiency of Your Central Air Conditioner

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

Staying cool through a long, hot Houston summer is no easy task, but with a reliable and effective air conditioner, it shouldn’t be too difficult to keep your home comfortable. And did you know there’s even more you can do to ensure this is the case? You can have a functional air conditioner, and take steps to see that it works even more efficiently.

Read on as we uncover some tips on just how to boost energy efficiency for your air conditioner.

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Should You Go Ductless This Summer?

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Before you know it, the dog days of summer will be here. You will need to run your HVAC unit more to ensure a comfortable indoor temperature is maintained during this time of year. If you are currently using a traditional HVAC system and feel like a change is needed, then a ductless unit might be a good option. Learn more about common air conditioning services to help you prepare for the summer season.

In 1959, the team at Mitsubishi developed the first ductless mini-split heating and cooling system. Ductless mini-split units allow homeowners to cool and heat their residences without the need for ductwork. Here are some reasons why going ductless this summer is a wise move. 

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How to Breathe Easier At Home

Monday, April 25th, 2022

Being a homeowner is one of the most demanding jobs on the planet. As a homeowner, you need to make sure every part of your home is in pristine shape. Indoor air quality is something that the average homeowner tends to overlook. 

Considering the fact that you will spend over 90% of your time indoors, removing pollutants and allergens from the air supply in your home should be a top priority. One of the best ways to boost the quality of your indoor air supply is by investing in a whole-house air purifier. Read on to find out more about the benefits associated with buying a whole-house air purifier. 

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Heed These 6 Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Few things are more inconvenient than having your furnace give out on an especially cold winter day. Fortunately, if you know the signs to watch out for, you can catch and fix small problems with your furnace before they turn into major problems requiring a costly repair, or worse, a full replacement. When it comes to your furnace, maintenance is the best prevention. 

Here are 6 signs your furnace is in need of repair:

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