You’ve probably heard that it’s important to get your furnace professionally maintained each year. And chances are, you know that most people have it done in the fall, before they start the furnace up for the first time when the weather gets cold. Is it too late to schedule maintenance for your furnace? Is it worth bothering now that winter has set in? You should still have it done. Here’s why.
Cool Care Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Service’
Is It Too Late for Furnace Maintenance?
Monday, December 18th, 2023Heed These End-Of-Season Furnace Care Needs
Monday, April 12th, 2021
Springtime is officially here. You know as well as we do that soon enough it will get oppressively hot. But if our winter weather was any indication, mother nature can surprise us. Whether we have an unexpected cold spell this spring or if you just want to make sure you have a fully functional heating system next fall when you need it on the regular again, now is the time to take care of any end-of-season furnace care needs.
If you had maintenance done on your heater this past fall, and if you took care of any pending repair needs at the time, then you’re probably in good shape and likely won’t have any severe furnace repair needs. It’s a good idea for you to be aware of any signs of a furnace in disrepair, so that you can rely on it now and in the future. Keep reading to learn these signs:
How a Professional Furnace Installation Happens
Monday, March 15th, 2021
The last thing any Houston homeowner wants to deal with right now is a broken-down furnace. Unfortunately, though, that’s the reality that many of us are facing right now! Never before have our furnaces had to go through that much work to keep us warm as they did just weeks ago.
So if you’ve come across this blog, there’s a very good chance that you’re one of many Houston residents whose furnace finally bit the dust, and you’re in the market for a new one. Chances are, you’re looking to save money in any way possible right now. You might be tempted to find and install a furnace on your own. This can be a mistake, though!
There is a significant amount of work that goes into each and every furnace installation. Attempting an installation on your own could result in an inefficient, ineffective, and potentially even dangerous furnace (at least, in the case of a gas-powered system). If you’ve noticed your old furnace struggling, here are signs your furnace might need repair or replacement. Read on as we uncover the steps that our professionals go through for your furnace installation.
What’s the Deal with a Cracked Heat Exchanger?
Monday, February 1st, 2021
When folks throughout the country hear mention of Houston, they think of our sweltering summers. But as you’re well aware if you’ve lived here for even just a year, our winters pack quite the punch and, as a result, you use your heater on a very regular basis during this time of the year.
Did you have your heating system tuned-up by a professional before winter started this year? The good news is, if you didn’t, it’s not too late! The only time it’s ever too late for maintenance is if your heater completely broke down, to the point that no repairs will help anymore. Skipping maintenance even just one fall/winter season could leave you with emergency repair needs.
One particular repair need that could be dangerous, especially if you have a gas-powered heater, is a damaged heat exchanger. This is not to say that gas-powered systems are inherently dangerous! But they can become so if they’re not properly cared for. Read on to learn why heat exchangers matter so much when caring for your gas-powered heating system.