How to Avoid Heating Repairs with Routine Maintenance

November 20th, 2023

As the weather gets chillier, you need to make sure your heating system is ready to handle the challenge of the coming winter. You don’t want to find that when you really need it to work, your heating system is struggling or just won’t come on.

There are many benefits to having your heating system maintained each year, ideally in the fall when it’s about to start working very hard. One of the best things about heating maintenance is that it dramatically reduces the risk that you’ll need heating repairs during the coming season. Here’s how.

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4 Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair

November 6th, 2023

If you notice a small hole in a pair of pants, it might only require five minutes with a needle and thread, and you’ll be all set. If you ignore it and keep wearing the pants, the hole will surely get bigger. Pretty soon it will become a very large sewing project… or you might end up needing a new pair of pants.

This is true of all kinds of problems, including when your furnace needs repair. And since a furnace is a lot more expensive than a pair of pants, it’s all the more crucial that you get repairs as promptly as possible when they’re needed. If you’re curious about how regular maintenance helps prevent costly repairs, check out the essential steps technicians follow during heating maintenance. To help you spot furnace issues early so you can get them fixed before major problems develop, we’ve got a handy list for you of things to watch out for. 

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4 Benefits of Late Season AC Maintenance

October 23rd, 2023

There are so many benefits to AC maintenance. Having your air conditioner professionally maintained every year improves efficiency, helps it work more effectively, cuts down on repair needs, and extends the life of the system. Most people have AC maintenance done shortly before their air conditioner’s hard-working summer season.

But does the timing of AC maintenance matter? Actually, the exact season when you get it done isn’t nearly as important as simply making sure it does get done. In fact, there are some particular benefits to having your AC maintenance done in the fall, when it’s just finished its strenuous summer workload. 

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Tips for Staying Warm When You’re Heater’s Out

October 9th, 2023

Oh, no! Your heating system has completely broken down! Now you have to wait in winter weather for your HVAC technician as your home gets colder and colder! How will you manage?

It’s not enough to just say, “Just put on a sweater.” We’ve got some fantastic tips that can keep you and your family nice and warm while you’re waiting for heating repair.

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The Best Air Conditioner to Beat the Texas Heat

September 25th, 2023

As we reach the end of the summer, a lot of people are thinking about how well their air conditioner did (or didn’t do) at keeping the heat at bay this year. When air conditioners get older, they often don’t perform as well. If you’re considering AC replacement because your old air conditioner just isn’t cutting it, or it requires expensive repairs, what new system will you get?

In Texas, we need air conditioners that are prepared to work hard through long summers. What AC system will be best? Here are some recommendations.

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Does Your AC or Your Thermostat Need Repair?

September 11th, 2023

An air conditioner breakdown in Texas, even as autumn approaches, is the kind of thing you don’t want to ever have to deal with! So if your air conditioner isn’t working, you should get AC repair right away.

But what if your air conditioner is actually working just fine? It’s possible that there’s nothing wrong with the AC. It might just be your thermostat that’s having a problem! Here’s what to look for. 

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How to Set Your AC During a Texas Heatwave

August 28th, 2023

Summer is here for a while yet, and with summer comes the risk of extreme heat. Here in Texas, we’re no strangers to heatwaves. And we expect our air conditioners to be able to keep up. But can they? How much should you expect of your air conditioner in a Texas heatwave? How should you set your thermostat? What else can you do? Let’s answer these questions.

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Things to Consider Before You Need Your Furnace Again

August 14th, 2023

If you’re like most people in late summer, you haven’t thought about your furnace in quite a while. Of course you haven’t! When it feels like a furnace outdoors, the home comfort system you pay attention to is your air conditioner.

But this is the perfect time of year to have a good hard think about your heating system. How well did your furnace work last winter? Did you have any concerns? Does it need repairs? You’d be wise to figure that out before you need to start it up.

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What Are My Options for Furnace Replacement?

July 17th, 2023

How long does a furnace last? Does my furnace need to be repaired? Is it worth repairing? How can I tell when to start thinking about getting a new furnace? What kind of furnace should I get? If you own a home, these questions will come up sooner or later. We’d like to give you some tips for determining whether it’s time to replace your furnace and deciding what to replace it with.

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Signs Your Heat Pump or Ductless AC Need Repairs

July 3rd, 2023

Heat pumps and ductless AC systems are awesome. If you have one, you probably don’t need us to tell you that. Their efficiency in particular is a huge benefit. But like any complex system, there are always ways that things can go wrong. If problems occur with your heat pump or ductless AC, it’s important to get prompt repairs. Here’s how to spot problems early so you can.

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