Whether it’s mountain Cedar, Oak, Ash, Ragweed or even Bermuda grass, allergies are no fun. You can keep reading to learn about all of the benefits of an indoor air purifier for both your family and your HVAC system.
These whole-house options offer so many benefits, and you’ll begin noticing a difference in your air quality almost right away. Within hours, your whole-house air purifier can have your air more than 99% clean, and then maintain that high level of indoor air quality for as long as the system is operational.

Understanding Indoor Air Quality
When you look around your home, you probably don’t see anything in the air. Perhaps if the light catches just right, you may see some floating particles of dust. But these may not concern you too much. The truth is that your air is full of microscopic particles that you can’t even see.
An indoor air quality test will offer results for the types of particles found in your air as well as the quantity. Compared to the outdoor air, indoor air can be as much as five times more polluted since particles get trapped and circulate again and again.
Once our team completes an indoor air quality test of your home, we can determine what the biggest concerns are and help you choose an air purifier that best fits your unique indoor air quality needs.
Portable Vs. Whole-House Models
You may be tempted to bypass all of this and stop by your local hardware store to purchase a portable air purifier. The smaller versions work in much the same way as a whole-house model. The difference is that they are not designed to clean air in a large space.
With a portable model, you can clean the air in a single room, but that leaves the rest of your home with poor indoor air quality. A portable model is probably a good solution if you live in a studio apartment or you want to clean the air in your office.
But for your home, you need a whole-house model that gets installed directly inside of your HVAC system so it can clean 100% of the air blowing out into your home. By the end of the first day after it is installed, your whole-house air purifier will have your air more than 99% clean, and then it will maintain that high level of indoor air quality around the clock moving forward.
Long-Term Benefits
If you suffer from seasonal or other allergies, a whole-house air purifier can greatly reduce your allergy symptoms. When you’re in the safety of your home, you’ll be able to breathe easy without being bombarded by harmful particles that are triggering an immune response.
This can improve your overall health by reducing inflammation and also helping you to sleep better. You’re also less likely to get sick, because the air purifier clears away any germs you bring into your house with you.
You probably think about wiping down surfaces like counters and door knobs when you want to reduce the chances of getting sick, thanks to viruses and bacteria. But all of those particles settle on surfaces after they float through the air. By cleaning your air, you’re also reducing the number of germs around your home in general and protecting your health.
For expert furnace help, contact Cool Care Heating and Air Conditioning – Offering the best care for your air!