Many times, HVAC systems can last for upwards of 15 years. Once your unit is somewhere between eight and 10 years old, it’s time to start paying closer attention to how it is operating. Depending on the type of care you have given it, you may need to replace it Sooner than that 15-year mark.
You can keep reading to learn about the signs that it’s time for a new heater, air, conditioner, or heat pump. Then you can give us a call to get on the schedule for your free installation estimate. We can talk to you about your options for upgrading and help you pick a system that best fits your home and your family.

Current System Age
Once your current system reaches the 10-year mark, it’s time to begin thinking about an upgrade. On average, HVAC systems last for anywhere from 10 to 15 years before needing an upgrade. If you’ve taken excellent care of your system from day one, you may be able to expect 15 years of life out of the system. But without consistent care, it’s likely you’ll have to replace your current unit closer to 10 years.
High Energy Costs
If you notice that your energy costs are creeping up month after month or experiencing a significant jump up all at once, you need to call for service. Sure, there are a lot of different things in your home consuming energy that are contributing to how much electricity is being used.
But your HVAC system is easily the largest system on that list, so sudden spikes and increases can be attributed to the unit. It’s better to get the system checked out than to ignore potentially serious problems. High energy costs can be an early sign of HVAC issues that need to be addressed before they worsen and begin to hurt how efficiently your unit can keep up with heating or cooling your home.
Loud Noises
Unusual noises can be very alarming when you hear them come from your HVAC system. You obviously know that something is wrong, but you don’t know what. If a sound is highly unusual and doesn’t cease, you may want to turn your HVAC system off completely until our team can check it out. This can prevent the problem from worsening very quickly and also prevent additional damage from occurring.
Even though it’s easier to identify loud sounds as being problematic, quieter sounds can be equally concerning. A gentle rattling, tapping, clicking, or humming can indicate any number of HVAC problems. Maybe the system is struggling to start up, stay on for a cycle, or something is loose and moving around inside of the unit.
The bottom line is that any sound your HVAC system doesn’t usually make as a part of everyday operation needs to be taken seriously. Remember, it’s always better to be safe and schedule service only to find out that everything is working just fine. The alternative is that you potentially skip out on service when something is seriously wrong and you come home one day to find out your HVAC system has stopped working completely.
For expert furnace help, contact Cool Care Heating and Air Conditioning–Offering the best care for your air!