It’s definitely the spooky time of year… but that doesn’t mean that you need to be haunted by HVAC problems! We know winters are pretty brief here in Texas, but if you’ve lived here for a year then you know our weather can absolutely surprise us, and for that reason, we all need fully functional and efficient heating systems in place.
What kind of shape is your heater in? Not sure of the answer to that question? Well, then it’s definitely time to schedule one very important service–heating maintenance!
Unsure if you really need this service or if it’s going to benefit you all that much? Read on as we uncover the benefits of this service, and then give us a call when you’re ready to schedule a tune-up.
Why Maintenance Is So Important
Read on as we uncover the details of why annual maintenance for your furnace or heating system is so important!
1. It reduces the need for repairs. How does this work? Well one of the steps we take during your maintenance tune-up is that we comprehensively inspect the system. During this step, we look for signs of natural wear and tear. There are things that will wear down in your heating system, like motor bearings and fan belts for example.
But if you get them repaired sooner rather than later, you don’t have to worry about those small needs turning into much bigger problems. Replacing a worn motor bearing or relubricating it is a lot easier and less costly than replacing an entire motor because it burnt out!
2. It keeps your home safe. No, your furnace is not inherently dangerous. However, if you do have a gas-powered furnace that’s not well taken care of, it can become dangerous. Gas-powered heaters have a component called a heat exchanger that, if not maintained, can crack and leak out potentially harmful amounts of carbon monoxide gas (CO).
3. It improves heating system efficiency. When you’re good about scheduling heating maintenance each year, it will counteract the typical loss of energy efficiency that your heater otherwise experiences throughout the years.
For every year you skip heating maintenance, your equipment loses about 5% of its original efficiency rating. Alternatively, a heater that is tuned up annually will retain up to 95% of its original efficiency rating.
4. It keeps your energy bills down. When a heater is working efficiently, it means that it isn’t draining as much power as it would if it were ill-maintained. Therefore, you’re literally using less energy, which is going to bring your utility bills down.
It’s only natural that when you use your HVAC systems–which account for half of all energy use in a home–your bills are going to rise. But they shouldn’t be drastically different than what you paid this same time last year, on average, nor should they be drastically different than what your neighbors are paying.
To get in touch with a reliable HVAC contractor in Piney Point Village, TX, contact Cool Care Heating and Air Conditioning.